オーストラリアの University of Sydney Union のブログに以下のようなお茶会の案内が出ている。(太字による強調は筆者による)
USU Online - the University of Sydney Union Website
Oriental Tea Society IGN
Friday 3 April 2009
2pm - 4pm
Reading Room, Holme Building
Oriental Tea SocietyPlease come and have fun! We will be providing free tea and snacks, as well as board games such as Go, Shogi, Mahjong etc.
After having extreme difficulty in finding bottled tea in Sydney without sugar, our goal here is to make it possible to drink Asian tea at uni on a regular basis. Tea has many health benefits and a history that extends back thousands of years.
What we have planned~
- free tea and snacks [for members] several times a week
- social gatherings! [karaoke, yum cha]
- fortnightly/monthly tea with mochi
- Major events! Tea ceremony, Chinese Gardens visit,
- play Japanese/Chinese board games! [Shogi, Go, Mahjong, Chinese Chess] with a cup of tea!
How often?
- so far we are planning tea gatherings 3 times a week, though this depend on the availability of rooms once we have been established as a fully fledged club!
If you like tea, or want somewhere nice to hangout/study with tea on hand, join us! Meet people, go out, eat snacks, drink tea!