Igawa: The Real Deal(By Mike A. | January 9th, 2007)
As Yankee fans will soon find out, Igawa is the new David Wells. I’m not talking about pitching style, after hours activities, or body type. I’m talking about the “walks to the beat of his own drummer” mentality that both makes him an intriguing character and a tough opponent. His personal hobbies include things like flying model helicopters, collecting manga, playing computer games, and from what I’ve seen of him in the media here, he’s addicted to games of any kind. I recently witnessed an interview in which the journalist was asking him about playing in the Majors, competing in the United States, and other more personal things. At the time of the interview, Igawa was engaged in a game of shogi (Japanese chess) and frequently tuned out of the questioning to concentrate on the game. He’d answer a few questions promptly and then start muttering to himself. The reporter would pose the next question and he’d just stare at the shogi board. At one point, he looked up and said, “Oh, could you ask me that question again?”
I could go on and on about the personal quirks he brings with him to the Bronx, but the gaming is what I believe is the key to understanding Kei Igawa. The single-minded focus that he gives to competition of any kind helps him on the mound. His ability (or personality quirk) that allows him to tune out a pre-arranged interview, while it’s going on, to concentrate on a game of shogi is the same skill he will use to succeed on the Yankee Stadium mound.
井川投手の大いなる活躍を期待したい。そうすれば、英語で shogi に言及する活字記事、ウェブ記事も増えていくことであろう。なお、ヤンキースの本拠地のニューヨークには、日本将棋連盟の支部があり、ニューヨーク将棋クラブがある。現地の将棋コミュニティにとって、井川投手のヤンキース入りは、間違いなく朗報であると思う。