米国のチェスの GM のNakamura Hikaru 氏がチェスのジャパンリーグに参加するため思われるが先週来日していたらしく、その合間に羽生名人と交流をした顛末が氏のブログに書かれている。
Day 2: "Let's Try This Game Instead"
On the second day, my mother and I, along with Mr. Ozaki headed over to go see a shogi festival where the legendary Habu Yoshiharu played a rapid game. It was here, that I had the pleasure of meeting one of Habu and GM Joel Lautier's friends, Jacques Pineau. Although this was nice, it led to me ending up playing several games of shogi in which I got absolutely destroyed...sigh. I guess you can't be good at all games, eh? After this somewhat enjoyable, somewhat traumatic experience, we all went out and had a nice dinner at an eel restaurant as Habu put it.