先週の10月30日の木曜日にテレビ東京系列で放映された 「NARUTO 疾風伝」82話「第十班」の評価が内外で高いようである。この回には、シカマルとその父シカクの将棋シーンが10分内外の長さで挿入されている。まずは、日本語のブログから目に付いたところを紹介する。
NARUTOがツボ:シカマルとシカクの将棋 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
私の稚拙な言葉では上手く言い表せないので、もうほんと、映像見てくださいって感じなんですが。あの絵、色、会話の間、微妙な動き・・・この2人の将棋の シーンだけで1本の映画になるんじゃないかと思うほど素晴らしかった。毎週やってるアニメのクオリティじゃなかったです、すごすぎた。
おきらくごくらくぱわーあっぷ ずれたことを言ってるのかもしれないけど
海外の評価を調べるといえば、とにかく AnimeSuki の Naruto Forum である。以下の Epsode 82 の Forum Discussion の中から目に付いたところを抜き出してみる。
[Anime-only] Shippuden Episode 82 Discussion - AnimeSuki Forum
#3 --- Great episode. Art and animation were top notch, the kind of stuff that you don't even see in the naruto movies. Definitely one of best looking naruto episodes ever, and it wasn't even an action episode.
#6 --- Well, this episode was really well-paced. It covered the equivalent of a manga chapter and the animation was really well done. I'm impressed. The voice acting is also of superior quality I found. (Even though I've yet to seen it subbed, you could clearly feel the tension in their voices.)
This episode pretty much won me over. The animation, the drawings and colouring were done extremely nicely.#7 --- Wow. I'm at a loss for words at how grandoise the animation was in this episode. Much appluades to those reposble for this unbelivably luadible presentation of Naruto Shippuden. I almost cried at how stunning the lights, shadows, gradation, and boldness of colors were for the artisty used here is masterful. *gives animation team a standing ovation*
#19 --- Great episode. Best stuff I've seen in a while. The subdued color palette was perfect for this episode, and I'm glad that, as monir pointed out, Shikamaru didn't turn into a "revenge freak emo dude". Animation as well as pacing was wonderful, and I thought that Shikamaru's interaction with his father was masterfully executed.
All in all, best episode I've seen in a while. 10/10
などなど。このエピソードについては絶賛モードの人が多い。となれば、Shogi についてどういうことが言われているのかが気になるところ。それを抜き出してみる。うち、#54 は筆者の発言である。P.S として、HIDETCHI氏の How to play Shogi へたどり着けるリンクを張っておいた。
#12 --- I think my favorite part was when Shikamaru started going crazy with the shogi pieces doing the whole batman preptime thing. Great music too. He made the "Just as planned" face that all geniuses m
#14 --- Wow!
That was probably my favorite episode, right there. (No Fighting, hardly any Naruto, so that says a lot.) Shikaku and Shikamaru are my favorite parent-sibling combo. Shikaku just blew me away this episode. He's on a whole other level. That shogi scene was very well done. Animation was amazing. Pacing was great! And we even got to see landscape and people we've never seen before. All the scenes were perfect. Even watching the kids shine the markers was humbling. 10 out of 10 easy.#18 --- This was very well executed episode. It has been a while since I've seen such a good Naruto episode. I was dreading half way through the episode that Shikamaru will turn into a another revenge freak emo dude. When he tossed that shogi board on the wall, I sighed a sigh of relief. I've relished every episode he debuted in as the prime character under the lime light however rare or short-lived it was. Naturally, I'm looking forward to the future episode(s) he will star in.
#39 --- On this subject, the first kanji of the names Hidan and Kakuzu also stand for the abreviation of the shogi pieces rook and bishop.
There are, perhaps, some hints of his future strategy on the shogi board he left.#51 --- My favorite part is when Shikamaru was picking up the pieces of the Shogi board after something clicked in his head...If I knew anything about Shogi, I'd probably pick up something more than the obvious "Looks like he's got an idea"
#54 --- The position on the shogi board which Shikaku saw in the morning after Shikamaru left is very interesting. In that position, a Kei-ma(桂馬 kNight) forks a Kaku-gyo(角行、Bishop) and a Hi-sha(飛車). And To(と、と金、promoted Pawn) threatens to take the Hisha as well. Shikaku seemed to feel something after considering it for a short while.
"Kei-ma" represents Shikamaru as Asuma told him in an earlier episode. "Kaku-gyo"(角行) represents Kakuzu(角都). "Hi-sha"(飛車) represents Hidan(飛段). They are clear. Then, what "To"(と) represents? My guess is that it represents Naruto, since "To" is a promoted Pawn with much more empowerment than original one and "to get promoted" is "Naru”(成る) in Japanese. Naruto was doing hard training to be empowerd in the previous episodes.
This is what I got from that scene.
Good video series to How to play Shogi(将棋) for complete novices are now being available to watch on Youtube. Give them a try through my bookmarks if you're interested in shogi.
http://delicious.com/takodori/hidetchi-shogi-video#55 --- Interesting thought on the shogi piece placement. Thanks
#56 --- Thanks a lot for the info takodori!!!
#57 --- Thanks for the information about the Shogi, takodori. Up til now, I actually thought it was just a game they made up for the show.
#62 --- What? Shogi, made up? Naw; It's a popular game, what you could say to be a Japanese chess...Kinda surprised you haven't heard of it...
#65 --- Can anyone tell me what was significant about that Shogi piece being labeled "King"? Was it because Asuma wrote it on the piece, or was that just the king piece in Shogi and the people who subbed the anime wrote that on the piece?
#66 --- Rewatch a couple of episodes and pay attention to a talk between asuma and shikamaru when they were playing Shogi... about the King. the Knight, the Pawn, etc...
#67 --- Holy cow! I think I've figured it out!!!!
I'll rewatch that episode with the Shogi match Asuma and Shika were playing just for confirmation. May be the arrangement in the board Shika made later in this episode will make sense as well. woohoo~
#78 --- yeah, I get that movie feel too, this episode is freaking awesome! there's also a slice-of-life feel to the whole episode with Shikamaru wondering through the village and visiting Choji and Ino. Come to think of it, we don't really get to see many scenes of the village's ordinary, normal life. This episode however, is full of that.
and great work on the frequent scenes showing... children! the meaning behind the Shogi piece "King".
筆者は、口寄せの術、転生術など、一度死んだものが蘇らされてよく活躍するNARUTO では、持ち駒ルール(取られた自分の駒が死なずに相手の駒となって自分を攻めてくる)を持つ将棋が効果的なメタファーとして使われていると思っている。また、NARUTO では、能力の異なる者がチームを組んで互いの弱点を補って行動するシーンが多く描かれるが、これも、8種類の能力の異なる駒をうまく「チームとして」協業させることを求められる将棋に通ずるところがあるようにみている。そういうところも含めて、海外の NARUTO ファンに少しでも伝えられればと思う。
「NARUTO 疾風伝」の82話(「NARUTO」302話)は、シリーズの中で世界中で何度も見返される回になっていくことはおそらく確実である。その中に約10分間の将棋のシーンがあることは、将棋界にとって僥倖以外の何物でもないであろう。
投稿情報: HIDETCHI | 2008年11 月 3日 (月) 20:52
わたしも NARUTO に限らず、日本のアニメが世界中で見られていて、それが文化の伝播の重要な経路になっているのは、このブログを書き始めるまでは気付きませんでした。 NARUTO が shogi を知るきっかけになっていることは、Google の Blog Search でキーワード shougi で毎日検索結果を眺めていて気付きました。アニメおそるべし、だと思います。
投稿情報: takodori | 2008年11 月 4日 (火) 19:01