Today a 2nd-round match of NRS invitation trophy between Nakai Hiroe(Joryu 6 dan) and Fujita Maiko(Joryu 1 kyu) will be on live from 6:00pm(Japan Time). The thinking time per player is 40 minutes and less than 60 seconds per move after consuming it. You should be able to watch the live through the channel linked below;
2008nrs, Ustream.TV: . News,Events (Live is over)
Pre-Recorded Video(Linked on July 24, Left = Nakai)
The boardlives using Kifu for Flash and Kifu for Java should be available through the official site linked below; (In Japanese)
Kifu for Flash | Kifu for Java (Linked on July 24, Sente = Fujita)
I will be away from the Net soon and not be back before the game will be over. So please get to the boardlive window through the page above if you are interested to watch the boardlive and the live on Ustream at the same time.
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