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April 24, 2008


allen giles

a second comment, if would be very interesting to know, at what move did Mr. Habu understand it was forced moves, this would give us weak's an understanding of what it takes a wourld class champion to win a game such as this. thank you for your time and web site


Dear Takodori san,
I've recently discovered that you may not have received the emails I've sent to you during the last months. Maybe due to a spam filter or something like that?
If it's the case, may you send me an email so that we can "reconnect" ourselves? I have some topics I'd really like to discuss with you.
Sorry to have used the comments sections for this but I thought it's the most convenient way to reach you as emails seem not ot work.


> bakashogi

Spam filter's setting has been corrected. Please send the emal to me using the email address you are already aware.

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