Today is the day for the semi-finals of 5th Mynavi Joshi Open. The four players who have come to this stage are three crown Satomi Kana, lady 6-dan Shimizu Ichiyo, lady-5dan Saida Haruko, and rookie player Joryu shodan Hasegawa Yuki. The parings today are Satomi vs Shimizu and Saida vs Hasegawa. You can replay and watch these games on the official liveboards linked below;
- Shimizu(Sente) vs Satomi
- Saida(Sente) vs Hasegawa
The opening in the first game is Satomi's 4th file rook(shikenbisha) against Shimizu's static Rook as many expected. It surprized people a bit why Satomi did not choose Gokigen Nakabisha(central Rook). The second game took the course of double-ranging Rook(Ai-furibisha). Since the games began at 10::00am(JST) and the allotted thinking time per player is three hours, I think they will end after 4:00pm(JST) today. Let's see who two of them wiil be the finalists.
Here is the official site of the 5th Mynavi Joshi open. You can also watch and replay the game of Satomi vs Shimizu at 81 dojo that has a chat window just under the slightly-deferred-liveboard to exchange views on the positions of the game or so.
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