The following games are available to watch now. The first five games started 10:00am and the allotted thinking time per player is 40 minutes and each will have to make a move less than 60 seconds per move after consuming it. The rest will start at 2:00pm.
- Shimizugami Toru(ama) vs Tanaka Yuichi(4-dan)
- Yoshida Masakazu(4-dan) vs Takeuchi Joji(ama)
- Sawada Shingo(4-dan) vs Tanizaki(ama)
- Nagase Takuya(4-dan) vs Koizumi Takuya(ama)
- Makino Mitsunori(4-dan) vs Hayasaki(ama)
At 2:00pm, the following five games started.
- Sato Shinichi(4-dan) vs Kawakami Takeo(ama)
- Nagasawa Tadahiro(ama) vs Abe Kenjiro(4-dan)
- Koyama Reo(ama) vs Sugai Tatsuya(4-dan)
- Kondo Akihisa(ama) vs Nishikawa Kazuhiro(4-dan)
- Fujimoto Hiroyuki(ama) vs Oishi Tadashi(4-dan)