Today and tomorrow are the days for the 2nd game of 50th Oui-sen best of seven match between Oui Fukaura Koichi and 8-dan Kimura Kazuki. The game started at 9:00 am today at Renaissance Sapporo Hotel in Hokkaido. You can watch and replay the game through the link below;
Here are links to the frequently updating photos.
Oui Fukaura Koichi
8-dan Kimura Kazuki
The playing room
The board from the top
Here is a news to draw your attention. You may hear about the computer shogi program called GPS Shogi which has been the champion of last World Computer Shogi Championship. The developer team is making an interesting trial. They are streaming GPS's reading sequence and evluation values of the position per move on Twitter. You can follow how it evaluates the positions to the end and compare the actual moves with its readings. The entries are available through the link below. I strongly recommend to be a twitter user to follow gpsshogi_en although how long this experimental trial will last. I hope it will last for a long time.
This GPS Shogi is running on Mac Pro, Dual CPU Xeon X5570(8 cores), Linux which is equivalent to the environment to that at WCSC 2009 according to the team.
[(31) 3h4g] 122 P*2c 2d2h 6a5b 4g5f 5a4a 4i5h 7c7d 5f4e 7d7e 7fx7e 3d3e 3g3f 3ex3f 4ex3f 6b6c 2i3g
Here are information how to read the above. The number in the curved brackets(31) means this is the position at the 31st move. The number to the right of the bigger brackets[ ] is how GPS evaluates the position. If it is positive, then it's for Sente and vice versa. And the latter is how GPS read the best moves after the current position.