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April 11, 2009



Why did Gouda resign the game? P9f taking the lance is threatmate removing threatmate isn't it? So Gote cannot reply with P9f but must defend so Sente can play P9e and it does not look like a mate to me.

Ryou Takehito

white's attack is faster

1. P9f +Rx7h
2. K9g B'8h
3. K8f Bx7g
4. K7e (or 8e) S'7d
5. Kx7d G'7c
and the rest are checkmate moves.

Ryou Takehito

oops. for move 3 it's suppose to be Bx7g+

Ryou Takehito

Ryou Takehito

Oops. too many typo mistakes. The correct moves are:

1. P9f +Rx7h
2. K9g B'8h
3. K8f Bx7g+
4. K7e (or 8e) G'7d
5. Kx7d S'7c

and the rest are easy mate moves.

I apologise for the typo.

Ryou Takehito

Ryou Takehito

The last variation shouldn't have K8e. If it's K8e...

1. P9f +Rx7h
2. K9g B'8h
3. K8f Bx7g+
4. K8e +Rx8g
5. K7e S'7d

and the rest are checkmate moves again. If it's K9d instead of K7e then G'8c

Ryou Takehito


> Nat,

After 159. Px9f, There would be a forced mate for Sente's King such as +Rx7h K-9g B*7e P-8f +R-8h.

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