The 4th game of 34th Kio-sen between Kio Sato Yasumitsu and Kubo Toshiaki(8 dan) was held at Kansai Shogi Kaikan in Osaka City, on March 8, 2009. Kubo was Sente player. Kubo chose Shikanbisha. Sato's countermeasure amazed lots of shogi fans since it was Bogin(Climibing Silver) which was not considered good as Gote's opening strategy against Shikenbisha. Sato's idea was to minimize the moves of castling such as saving the moves of S-5c and G4a-4b and to start attack earlier. According to post-game discussion, Kubo's B-7g at 41st move was questionable and it should have been B-5i instead. After that, Sato kept the advantageous position and won the game in 142 moves sacrificing all his major pieces. Here is the resignation diagram when Sato dropped one of his Gold in hand on 2e. After the diagram, Sente's King will be mated easily as followings;
- K-3g G*2f K-3h +P-4h(mate)
- K-2g G*2f K-3h +P-4h(mate, Replayable by clicking the arrow in the right direction under the diagram)
- K-1g G*2f(mate)
And here is the copy of my twitter entries during watching the boardlive games.
- My big question is why Sente dropped Silver on 5b instead of 102. +Px8a.
- 142. G*2e, After this move, Kubo resigned the game. After that, K-2g G*2f K-3h +P-4h(mate).
- 135. K-1g, Instead, If Sente took it by Kx3i, mate would existed to begin with G*4h.
- 134. S-3i=, Another good sacrifice.
- 132. N*4g, Decisive sacrificing move. If Nx4g, then S-3i= will be good sacrifice again!!
- 131. S*1h, Kubo's move of strong resistance to defend the square of 2g.
- 130. Sx4h=, This means to take the kNight without promotion as a check.
- 128. S*4h, I think Sato is in the winning postion.
- 127. B*9b, this is a defensice move.
- 126 P-5g+ Kubo seems not be able defend the bunch of Gote's piece anymore.
- 124 Bx6f+ Trading BIshop for a idling Silver!
- 123. N*3i, Kubo's move of strong resistance.
- 122. S*4g, This is threatmate such as Lx2g+ Sx2g lx2g+ Kx2g N*3e Px3g S*3f k-1h G*2g.
- 120. B*9i, Kubo cannot let Sato take Rook here. That's why 123. R-7f is his next move to connect with Silver on 6f.
- 116. P-7g+ Another pawn sacriface with promotion. Sato activated all the pieces on the board.
- 112. N*4d, fork drop.
- 106. P-5f, This means the possible N*4d will be more effective. For example, Nx3c Nx3c Rx5f N*4d is one variation. Next N*3f is Gote's plan.
- 105. N*4e, this means to punish the location of the Bishop drop at 46th move of 3c. Should he have dropped it on 2b instead of 3c?
- But Kubo took the kNight on 8a by +Px8a. It's least predicted.
- Another variation, S*5b Px5e Sx4a Gx4a G*5b G*3a R*7a
- One variation after 102. P*5d would be R-8g Px5e Rx8a+ P-5f P-6g L*4g(!)
- I think sacrificing P-5g was a very good move.
- 100. P-5g+ Sato sacrificed the Pawn with promotion. Rx5g will be mandatory and his plan seems to drop a pawn on 5d then.
- 99. S-3h, Kubo pulled his Silver back to 3h to defend the square of 2g.
- 98. L*2d, If Sato has enough materials in hand, mate line will be realized to begin with L*2g Kx2g N*3e.
- 97. L*5e, Kubo thought he had no time to take the kNight on 5i.
- 94. +Rx4g, Sato deciede to trade promoted Rook for promoted Bishop to weaken Kubo's castle.
- 92. S*5f, Sato thought he had no time to jump kNight to 7c or 9c, didn't he?
- The rest of allotted thinking time for Kubo is 36 minutes and 55 minutes for Sato after 68. P*6h.
- 68. P*6h, The material balance is Sente's kNight gain.
- Shogi - 4th game of 34th Kio-sen
- Kubo vs Sato, This should be a reference game of Shikenbisha vs Ibisha.
- 78. P-7e, If Sente takes it, then P*7f Gx7f S*6g or P*7f N-6e P-6d seems Gote's plan.
- 75. +B-4g, I'm not sure what this move is planning.
- 73. +B-3f, preventing Gote from dropping Lance on 4g.
- 72. +Rx9i, Gaining a Lance in hand. If the next move is Gote's turn, L*4g will be a painful drop for Sente.
- 70. R-8I+, Threaten to take Rook on 7h. Promoted pawn sacifice at 68th on move on 7h made Gote keep initiative.
- 68. +P-7h, sacrificing promoting pawn to make Rook promotion earlier.
- Or +Px9i Px5d R-8i+ R-5i R-7h P*6h?
- 67. P-5e, Sente started counterattacking fron the central file. If 68. +Px9i, P*8h seems good to delay Gote's Rook promotion.
- 65. P-5f, Sente gave up defending 8th file and prepared counterattack at the central file.
- 62. P-8h+, it intended the folloing; Rx8h Rx8h+ Px8h R*6i or Px8h P*8g Px8g Rx8g.
- Sente's plan seems to P-5f and P-5e coouterattacking from the central file.
- 61. P*8i, preventing Sente's pawn promotion.
- 60. Px8f, Natural move.
- 59. R-5h, It's beyond my prediction. I never thought this square.
- 58. P*8g, These several moves went as I predicted. Will Rook goes to 6h or 4h. I think 4h is better than 6h.
- If Sente takes P*8g by Rx8g, then painful Silver drop on 7h forking Roook and Gold is waiting.
- 54. R-8b, If Sente responds it by R-8h to prevent Gote from trading Rook's pawn, P-8f Px8f P*8g R-6h Rx8f could be expected.
- According to Itodani 5 dan, 46. B*4d instead of B*3c would have prevented Sente from dropping 49. B*7a
- 48. R-8b, 49. B*7a, Sente will makes promoted bishop while Gote dropped it without promotion. HOwever, Sente gains pawn.
- 47. G-6g, prtecting the kNight on 7g.
- 46. B*3c, threaten to take the kNight on 7g.
- 45. R-6h, Kubo's choice was R-6h.
- I'm not sure which one is better here for 45th move.
- I think Kubo's 45th move is whether B*8c or R-6h. B*8c intend to make promoted Bishop. R-6h prevents Gote's S*6i.
- Furthermore, Gote can drop the Silver in hand on 6i forking Rook and Gold.
- If it is Gote's turn to play, P-8f seems good sacrifice. If Px8f, then B*8g, if Sx8f, Rx7f will be a good Sabaki.
- 44. R-7b, Sente gains one pawn. So unless Kubo has a good move here, then Sato leads the position. I think.
- 42. Bx7g+ 43. Nx7g, Kubo already dropped the Silver on 7e while Sato has one in hand. Does Kubo has good compensation for that?
- 41. B-7g, Kubo offered Bishop trade.
- 40. P-9d, Sato did not take the Silver.
- 39. S*7e, forking Rook and BIshop.
- 34. R-7d, Sato's choice was R-7d, After that, P*7f Sx6f Sx6f Bx6f S*7e Rx7e Bx9i+ would be expected.
- Sato has three choices for 34th move. R-7d, R-7a or P-9d. Which one will he take?
- Oh, I'm wrong. 33. B-9e!! This Bishop is called "Gohst Bishop". If it's Sente's turn, block the Rook support to the Silver by P*7c is good.
- It's a shogi good tesuji to put away the target pieces by trading. So 33. P-6e is expected.
- Sente's Bishop's head is now an Gote's target to be attacked by Gote's Rook and Silver.
- 31. Px7e, Kubo took the pawn. Kubo seems to advance to P-6e in the next move to offer bishop trade.
- 29. R-7h, It's a natural move to transfer Rook to the battle file.
- 28 P-7e, offering trading pawn. If Sente takes it by Px7e, then Sx7e P*7f P-8f Px7e Px8g+. So Sente cannot take it.
- 26. S-8d, Bogin(Climbing Silver). Sato reserves his lsft silver development to 5c and advanced his Right Silver quickly to 8d.
- 22. S-4b, This is the important move in the opening. Sato gave up Ibisha-Anaguma.
- The points in the opening of this game is Sato advanced his kingside edge pawn early to 1d. It means less possiblity to adopt Anaguma.
- Kubo is Sente player and chose Shikenbisha(4th file Rook).
- 4th game of Kio-sen between Kio Sato and Kubo(8 dan) started.
Hello! Is there any website wich contains a database with the kifus for professional games?
Posted by: | March 22, 2009 at 03:00 AM
See here.
The database itself is here(In Japanese)
Posted by: takodori | March 22, 2009 at 11:02 AM