Here are the duplicate of my twitter entries about the 7th game of 58th Osho-sen played on March 25 & 26. They are put in descending order. The game itself can be replayable here.
Osho Habu vs Oui Fukaura - 7th game of 58th Osho-sen(Sete=Fukaura, Won by Habu)
- After 110. ;R-7h, Mate exists such as (1)K-6f G*7f K-5e S*5d K-6d G-7c or (2)K-6f G*7f K-6e Gx7e K-6d G-7c K-5e S*5d
- 110. +R-7h, After this move, Fukaura resigned the game. Habu defended Ohso title. Congratulation.
- 102. N*5f, Sacrificing kNight drop with threatmate of +R-6h.
- 101. +B-6e, threaten to take promoted Rook on 3h. hmmn.
- 100. K-4a, it's beyond my prediction. Hmmn.
- 99. K-6i, No mate for Fukaura's King. But...
- 98. +R-3h, check. Habu did not take the promoted Bishop.
- 97. +Bx5d, If Gote takes it, then mate exists to begin with Bx6b+. But this move is not threatmate.
- 96. Kx5b, Can Fukaura keep attacking?
- 93. S*5b, It seems like Fukaura's final attack before resignation.
- 92. +Rx3g, Natural move to take Silver.
- At this position, What's pity for Fukaura is that he can drop a pawn only in the 2nd file. So he has no effective attack using pawn drop.
- 91. Gx7g, Fukaura gave up defending the Silver on 3g.
- I'm sure Habu' is defending Osho-title soon. Boardlive is here.
- Sente seems to have to drop Silver on 4h. If S3g-4h instead, then Rx3f would be a decisive move to threaten to take Bishop on 3e.
- 90. +R-3i, Threatens to take Silver on 3g escaping from the promoted Bishop on 6e.
- 89. P-4f, Opening King's escaping path and threatens to take promoted Rook on 2i.
- 87. +Bx6e, Taking Silver on 6e. But the location of this promoted Bishop is not good in this position.
- 86. P*7f, Threaten to take the SIlver on 7g, If Silver goes back to 6h, then N*6f is waiting.
- They say Habu is in the winning position.
- Another candidate of 86th move is 86. P*7f.
- 85. Nx6d, Accoding to the press room, P*3d will be a good move to kill the Bishop on 3e while Gote will lose Silver on 6e.
- If it is Gote's turn, N*6f seems very strong. If it goes like Px6f Nx6f Sx6f Sx6f, then Sente's King seems to have no defense.
- 84. G5b-6b, Adding the connection to the kNight on 6a. Early Gold escape from Nx6d as well.
- 83. +B-8c Threaten to take kNight on 6a.
- 82. N*6a, threatened to take the promoted Bishop on 7c and blocking Rook's horizontal line.
- 81. N-5f, The kNight dropped for defense earlier is participating in offense.
- 79. P*2c, Fukaura dropped a sacrificing pawn ahead of the Silver on 2b to weaken Gote's castle.
- 78. S7d-6e, Habu let the Silver escape. If Sente's next move is Bx5c+(!!), then G3b-4b will be a good and only defense.
- Photos of afternoon stack, Upper for Habu, Lower for Fukaura.
- 77 +B-7c, Fukaura did not take the Silver on 7d but priotize activating the promoted Bishop.
- 74. N*5d, It's to take Bihsop on 4f in check. If Sente moves it to 3e, then 72. G*5b protected the square of 5c in advance.
- 73. B-7b+ Looks like a natural move.
- 72. G*5b, The first move after lunch break. Nobody could predict it. Everybody thought about N*5b.
- 71. B*6c, CHeck. Uh-huh. He made a check before defending threatmate.
- If Fukaura's king is not in threatmate, 71. B*6b will be a dicisive move. But he have to make a defensive move for the 71st move.
- 70. +Rx2i, This is a threatmate such as G*5i K-6h G-6i K-5h +R-5i.
- 67. G-2h, Forking Rook and promoted Bishop. 65. B-4f turned out to have another intention.
- 66. P-6d, Blocked Bishop's diagonal line to Silve on 7c again with this pawn advancement.
- 65. B-4f, Fukaura moved his Bishop to the good location to threaten to take Silve on 7c after it was blocked by the Pawn on 3c.
- Photos of Morning snack for Habu(Upper) and for Fukaura(Lower).
- 62. P*3c, Habu blocked the diagonal line of Bishop on 2d toward 5a. This prevented mating line such as Nx6b+ Gx6b R*5a.
- 59. N*7d, This has the intention of Nx6b+ Gx6b R*5a(mate).
- 56. B*3h, Habu's choice was Bishop forking drop. The game seems going to be a straight-forwarded samurai sword fight.
- Video of opening the envelope of the sealed move is here.
- 55. Sx3g, Still Habu's Rook on 2d is threatened to be taken. What's next move? B*3h forking Rook on 2i and Gold on 2g or R-4d is predicted.
- 52. P-2g+(!). Habu neglected Fukaura's last move of B*4f which is forking Rook and Lance.
- 51. B*4f, Fukaura's sealed move was B*4f which forks Rook on 2d and Lance on 9a.
- Day 2 of the 7th game of Osho-sen(shogi title match) started. Fukaura vs Habu.
- Many people predicted Fukaura's seald move is B*4f. Other candidate is N*1f according to Chuza 7 dan.
- Day 1 ended with 50 moves. The 50th move was N-2e. Fukaura sealed the 51st move.
- Back home. Watching again the 7th game of 58th Osho-sen.(Shogi). Habu vs Fukaura.
- I'm going to off the Net soon. I'll come back tonight. The 7th game isin lunch break.
- 32. P-1d, This position has 78 precidents reportedly with 39 wins and losses!! Oh, it's an even position.
- Photos of Tendo where the game is being played.
- Photos of Morning snacks served to the both players.
- 28. P-7d, 29.P-3f, Both prepared for activating their right kNights.
- Gote's castle is called Nakahara-gakoi. It's very flexible and can stand for Rook drop. So Gote can sacrifice his Rook easily.
- 25. G-3h, The position at the 25th move of this game is won by Gote at .549 reportedly. Why Fukaura chose this?
- 23. K-5h, Fukaura chose Nakazumai-gyoku(King on 5h) instead of New-Yamazaki-ryu which is the formation of K-5i, S-4h, P-3f and N-3g.
- 20. R-8e, Habu's choice was R-8e instead of R-8d. R-8e is called Chuza-Bisha(Chuza's Rook, Chuze is 7 dan player who often adopt this.)
- 19. P*8g, Habu must pull his Rook back to somewhere in the next move.
- So, R-8e is a newer opening.
- R-8d has been invented by Naito since 1960's as aerial fight(Kuchu-sen). R-8e has been named Chuza-bisha since 1990's.
- 16. Habu's choice was B-3c. Then next branch is where he will pull back his Rook, 8e or 8d.
- What's habu's 16th move? B-3c is most the usual. N-3c and Bx8h+ are seldom here in the professional games.
- 15. Rx3d, Fukaura took the Pawn on 3d which is called Yokofutori(Side Pawn).
- I'm writing my comments and impressions about the Shogi game between Habu & Fukaura.
- 11. Rx2d, Fukaura traded his Rook pawn. So would Habu soon.
- 8. P-8e, Both advanced their Rook pawn twice. Yokofutori instead of Itteson-Kakugawari?
- Sorry, the last entry was wrong. Fukaura advanced his Rook pawn to 2e at the 5th move actually.
- 7. G-7h, Fukaura reserved advancing Rook pawn to 2e. It keeps the possibility for his right kNight to jump to 2e in the middlegame.
- Itteson-Kakugawari is Bishop exchange from Gote with one tempo delay.
- 4. G-3b, Habu's choice was G-3b. This showed he would take Ibisha(static Rook). I think it is going to Itteson-Kakugawari.
- That's why P-5d or B-3c are increasing as the 4th move. They are often adopted by Furibisha players recently.
- One of the recent topics is the number of P-4d at the 4th move is reducing since the winning percentage is low.
- This is the first branch to choose an opening.
- 3. P-2f. Bingo!! Fukaura showed he would choose Ibisha(static Rook) with this move. Habu's response would be B-3c, P-5d, P-8d, P-4d or G-3b.
- I guess Fukaura's 3rd move will be P-2f.
- The third and fourth move are important to decide what opening they will choose.
- 2. P-3d, Both opened their Bishops' path.
- As a resurt of Furigoma(5 pawn toss), Fukaura became Sente player. The winner will be the next Osho holder. It will end tomorrow evening.
- 7th game of 58th Osho-sen, Habu vs Fukaura started just now.