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October 20, 2008



A great game. It's not the win but the exceptional way Mr. Habu has controlled the entire game.


as i played over this game it seemed that at move 82 kaku takes gin at 8f Habu was making forced moves. I do not agree with "tony" that Habu controlled the whole game. Yet there was a rythem to it that was very clear, Habu knew he was winning from the beginning.
it is as if the cobra knows the mongus is dead. amazing


cool !


i am distressed that some japanese websites do not serve none nippon residents and seem to block ready access to the deeper pages of said sites.
i have tried to gain a password to play at shogidojo and have sent numerious emails to the web master to no avail.
it keeps saying i have a free email address.
this is not true, deepsojourner dot info is a paid site.
i asked takodori and he rudely told me to play at kurnik.
i have been to nippon, have played a the shogi remmei and the nihon kiin both.
but i feel that there is a undertow that being a racist attitude toward the west.
at both shogidojo and panda i cannot get a response to any means of communication. this is rude and mean spirited.
it has a lack of Bushido. it is an attack on my HARA
thank you for your time deepsojourner


OK, then I will reword my paragraph as "Mr. Habu controlled the RyuO game 1 most of the time".

For the registration problem there is a possible solution.

Hopefully Mr. Takodori will help deepsojourner by registering on his behalf, then give the password to deepsojourner to play.

They say move #64 was the move of a genius. The Ryu-ou managed to promote the Hisha AND get two pieces in hand for the attack but lost nonetheless.
Still, was move #89 suicidal? Gote's gyoku is under some fireand what would happen if Watanabe just stuck to pulling the gold back?

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