On September 9 and 10, the 6th game of 49th Oui-sen 4-win match between Oui Fukaura and Challenger Yoshiharu Habu took place at Jinya in Kanagawa prefecture. Fukaura was Sente player and Habu won the game in 152 moves. After the game, the score was tied in 3-3 following to the last year's match between the same players.
The diagram below is the resignation one when Gote dropped in 7f. Sente's promoted Rook on 5e could not help being captured after the diagram and Sente's position is hopeless. Here are some possible variations after the diagram.
There would be more variations, but in any case, Sente's King would be hopeless. The seventh(final) game will be held on September 25 and 26.K-8i S*8h(mate)
K-7i S*6h K-8i R*7i(mate)
K-7g B*8h Kx7f Bx5e+ P-1e L*7a N*7e R*6f K-8e S*7d Kx9d P*9c Kx9c P*9b Kx9b R*9a(mate)
K-7g B*8h Kx7f Bx5e+ P-1e L*7a N*7e R*6f K-8e S*7d Kx9d P*9c Kx9c P*9b K-9d R*9c K-8d +B-7c(mate)
K-7g B*8h Kx7f Bx5e+ P-1e L*7a N*7e R*6f K-8e S*7d Kx9d P*9c Kx9c P*9b
K-8d +B-7c K-9d R*9c(mate, replayable by clicking the arrow to the right direction)K-9g B*8h K-8f Bx5e+ P-1e L*8a N*8e S*7e Kx7e R*6e K-7d R*8d(mate)
K-9g B*8h K-8f Bx5e+ P-1e L*8a N*8e S*7e Kx7e R*6e Kx7f R*6f K-7g R-6h+ K-8f +B-6d K-7f +R-6f(mate)
K-9g B*8h K-8f Bx5e+ P-1e L*8a N*8e S*7e Kx7e R*6e K-8f Lx8e K-9g +B-8h(mate)