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May 06, 2008



Dear sir
its very nice to see a japanese has a blog on shogi in english.I suggest you add LINKS to other useful english shogi sites & links of all japanese homepages of softwares,its a torture to find gekisashi computer world champion site link in google! i cant find yet.thanks in advance.


> jafarjavad
Thanks for your suggestion. Please visit "Shogi Links" at http://www.junichi-takada.jp/shogi_link_e.html

I don't think it's necessary for me to make the link collection by myself since such a good links already exist.

Mark Schreiber

What does it mean the JSA banned Pros from playing computers without a guarantee? It is not clear what is being guaranteed. Thank you.


> Mark Schreiber,

It means they are not allowed to play with computer software without receiving performing fee.

Mark Schreiber

Why do you think that there are so few computer versus human games played this year?


> Mark,

I can't answer why since I did not think such a thing, did I?

Mark Schreiber

You are right you did not say it. Did you say it would soon be time for a pro to play a computer because of the exhibition wins in the 15-minute games at the 18th WCSC tournament? Do you think a computer should beat an amateur at a 2-hour game before a computer plays a pro?

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