Today Habu won second game of 57th Osho-sen 4-wins match with Challenger Kubo(8 dan) in 93 moves. Habu was Sente player. The game went to Gokigen Nakabisha Ultra Quick Attack opening. Up to the 24th move, it followed the precedents of Sato vs Watanabe played in the 4th game of 78th Kisei-sen and Itodani vs Toyama played on January 15 2008. However, Habu made a new move of B*9f at the 25th move instead of L*6f. And Kubo did not seem to find a good countermeasure against it in this game.
The diagram below is the resignation one. Gote's King would be mated in the following variations;
K-8c N*7e K-7b S*8c K-8a N*7c(mate, replayable by clicking the arrow in the right direction below the board)
K-8c N*7e K-9b S*8c K-8a N*7c
K-8c N*7e K-7b S*8c K-6b N*7d(mate)
K-9e P-9f(mate)
In any case, Gote would not be able to avoid forced mate from the diagram.