On June 14 & 15, the 6th game of 65th Meijin-sen between Meijin Moriuchi and challenger Goda 9 dan was held in Aomori prefecture, Japan. Moriuchi was Sente(Black, or lower side of the diagram) player and Goda won it in 140 moves. Goda tied the score by 3-3. You may replay the game here. The final game will be held on June 28 & 29. Since Meijin-sen is 4-wins match, the winner of the next game will be the next Meijin . It will be a big game.
The diagram above is the resignation diagram when Goda dropped his Gold on 3e as the 140 moves. After the diagram, Sente cannot help losing the game in the following variations.
Rx3e Px3e Kx3e R*2e K-4d G*5d K-3d Gx3c(mate)
Rx3e Px3e Kx3e R*2e K-3f G*3f K-4h R-2h+ K-4i L-5h+(mate, replayable by clicking the arrow in the right direction)
Rx3e Px3e K-2g P*2f K-1h R*3h P*2h G*2g K-2i Rx2h+(mate)
Rx3e Px3e K-2g P*2f K-4g G*3f K-4h R*3h K-4i L-5h+(mate)
K-4g Nx3c R-2a+ B*3f K-3g G*3h(mate)
K-3g Nx3c R-2a+ N-2e +Rx2e Gx2e B*4a R*3h K-2g G*2h(mate)
K-3g Nx3c R-2a+ N-2e K-2g B*3f K-2h G*2g K-2i N-3h+ K-1i +N-2h(mate)
K-2g P*2f Rx2f Gx2f Kx2f P*2e K-3f R*2f K-4g G*3f K-4h R-2h+ K-4i L-5h+(mate)
K-2g P*2f Rx2f Gx2f Kx2f P*2e K-3g R*3h K-2g G*2f
K-2g P*2f Rx2f Gx2f Kx2f P*2e K-2g R*2f K-3g G*3h K-4g R-2g+(mate)
K-2g P*2f K-1h R*3h P*2h G*2g K-2i Rx2h+(mate)
There may be more variations, but in any case, Sente cannot help losing the game.