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March 23, 2006


thomas allen giles

i just played you on the kurnik shogi site and lost to you .
i know and have plyed larry kaufman and obcourse lost i also play IGO and have been to nippon and played at the shogi remmie with a two wins and a draw or lose i am not sure which this is a great site but i would like to be able to get a day to day update of shogi in nippon but only understand english. I believe Habu San will start to lose as he is getting older and in the world younger and younger people are getting stronger and stronger faster and faster.
look at the IGO stage there is a amateur whom has beat 9P on a consistant basis. I guess this is as it should be. Nothing stayes the same and Habu San most also flow or get run over.

>> Hello thomas allen giles, this is takodori, Thanks for your comment.
In my observation, Habu did not lose big games against yonger players these days. In fact, he lost Kio and entitlement of challenging Meijin recently. But it was caused by Moriuchi in the same generation and Tanigawa who is older than Habu.

thomas giles

takodori his loss is not predicated on age but that my supposition was that habu was getting older and that youger and youger and stonger and stronger players are on the main shogi stage

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