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July 18, 2009



Interesting game. I dont think this game is the antithesis of material advantage as much as it is about the actual activity of the material.Like in chess, a piece that is doing nothing is worth nothing. Sente's had cornered promoted knight, bad horse and idle silver, knight and lance on the right would not be counted as actual "active" material.
On the other hand, 「後手は純粋に遊び駒ゼロです」(勝又六段)
(well I guess pawns don't count) So Gote actually had more "effective" material.
At move 97 I think Kimura could have struggled on if he had traded his horse, which was doing nothing important, for Habu's lance, although I feel that the game was over the moment Gote made a dragon since his own king was so far.

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