The diagram below is the resignation one where Sente dropped the Gold on 4b. After the position in the diagram, there will be mate for Gote's King. Here are some variations..
K-2b R*3b K-1c Rx3c+ S*2c N*2e(!) Px2e S*2d K-1b +Rx2c(mate, replayable by clicking the arrow in the right direction)
K-2b R*3b K-2c G*2b K-1c Rx3c+(mate)
K-2a R*3a K-1b R-3b+ S*2b G*2c(mate)
K-2a R*3a K-2b R-3b+ K-1c G*2c(mate)
Kx4b R*5b K-4c G*5d(mate)
In any cases, Gote's King will be forced to be mated.