On June 16 and 17, the 6th game of 66th Meijin-sen 4-win match between Meijin Moriuchi and Challenger Habu took place at Tendo Hotel in Tendo City of Yamagata prefecture. Habu was Sente player this game and he won it in 105 moves. The opening strategy was ai-gakari again. They say Moriuchi led the position first in the middlegame with succeeding in making a promoted Pawn. But sacrificing it seemed a bad move. After that, Habu led the position to the end. Habu's got entitled to be the 19th permanent Meijin since he is to hold 5 terms of Meijin in total with this victory.
The diagram below is the resignation one when Sente dropped his Gold on 3b. The possible variations after that position would be as followings;
K-2c Gx2b Kx2b S*2c K-1c S-1d+ K-2b +S-2c K-2a B-3b+(mate)
K-2c Gx2b Kx2b S*2c K-3c B-3b+ K-4d Sx3d+(mate)
K-4d B-7b+ K-3e +B-3f K-4d +B-4e(mate)
K-4d B-7b+ P*5d +Bx6b(mate)
K-4d B-7b+ G*6c +Bx6c Sx6c G*4e(mate, replayable by clicking the arrow in the right direction)
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